Sunday, January 22, 2012

Buns. Buns. And More Buns.

Been donning a bun almost everyday now and I"ve been totally loving it! I know there are other ways of putting a bun together so I decided to do some research. Here are some of the photos I found on tumblr :)

Putting your hair in a bun when your top is very elaborate leaves your look very neat. 
Messy buns are love! How do they make its looks so natural??

A sweet ribbon will transform any simple look to that of someone like Zooey Deschannel

One word: Grunge.

I wonder how long her hair really is...

Notice how some buns are positioned practically above the head?

Buns can save one from dying due to extreme heat!

.. :)

Messy  but so classy

Braids look nice along with a bun

Love the look!

Cute with specs!

Must. Love. Shawls. And. Buns. ... AMEN.


Her bun looks wayyyy made up! How many cans of hairspray did she finish? :F 
Awww a tiara!

How did you find the photos of pretty buns? I feel so inspired to learn new ways of putting my hair up. If only my tresses were not so thin. :/ Haha

Hope you're all having a great long weekend!



Currently pledged myself to a sabbatical away from certain things, work none the less but that aspect will have to  experience some delay....