Saturday, August 17, 2013

Happy Thursday

This week has been so crazy but it has also been a huge amount of fun. 

From marathons to the depot, therapy, driving lessons and trying to insert time for the gym, not a single day was left empty!

To my glee, this week's extra dose of happiness came from visiting the SSO.a office last Thursday. It was great seeing everyone and knowing that they're all as cheerful as I last saw them. Here are some of the photos taken from the afternoon of my trip.

I sure did bug everyone in production including Jayve and Carmela that afteroon. Too bad I have no picture of Carmela! Michelle took over my camera though.haha #asusual :)

And a self portrait from earlier in the day!



Currently pledged myself to a sabbatical away from certain things, work none the less but that aspect will have to  experience some delay....